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Keeping the heat in your swimming pool – Greater Sacramento Area

Published: Monday, May 07, 2012

Hey there swimming pool-goers! Happy Hump Day! The rest of the week’s weather forecast for the Sacramento Area: Thursday – Rainy, Friday – Sunday – SUNNY with temps in the mid 80’s! Not Summer  weather yet, but we’re gettin’ there. Even though it may not be the warmest weather out there, you still may want to jump into your swimming pool now. So, its time to get your swimming pool’s heater or your solar system going. Here are a couple of tips to optimize your swimming pool’s heat and temperature! Reduce heat loss by using a swimming pool cover. According to the U.S. Department of   … Read »

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How to save money and energy on your swimming pool electricity costs…

Published: Friday, May 04, 2012

So you get your electricity bill at the end of the month and your jaw literally hits the floor. And not only are you spending way too much on electricity you find out that a big chunk of that money is going towards your swimming pool, more specifically your swimming pool pump. What to do? A great option would be to switch to the IntelliFlo Variable Speed swimming pool Pump by Pentair. If your pool is 10 years or older and you have never had your pool pump replaced, you will be due for a new one soon! This swimming pool pump will be your savior! Just to run a couple numbers by you, the IntelliFlo   … Read »

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Basic Swimming Pool Cleaning Tips – Greater Sacramento Area

Published: Monday, April 30, 2012

With the coming of the Spring season, there is always an abundance of pollen, leaves, and other debris in the air. Sacramento has many trees, bushes, and other types of vegetation so it is important to keep your pool debris free. Clean now and save time and money, or clean later and spend unwanted time and money. Here are some easy tips to cleaning your swimming pool! – If you have a swimming pool cover, clean all the debris off the swimming pool cover before removing it. This ensures that no debris falls into your swimming pool when removing the cover. – Empty your swimming pool skimmer   … Read »

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Have a great weekend!

Published: Friday, April 27, 2012

Hey there pool-goers! Have a great weekend! After a week of rain, its shaping up to be a beautiful weekend. Remember, safety first when you use your pool. If you have solars, turn em’ on and start heating up your pool for the summer season! We off annual solar service which includes solar system diagnostics and winterization for the winter season! So, have a great weekend and remember to keep your pool in mind! See you back here next week!   … Read »

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Pool RX? What is that?

Published: Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hey all pool owners! Unfortunately, today’s weather in Sacramento is bleak at best with a good chance of t-storms. This also means that your pool techs may not be able to do the adequate work and service on your pool. It is during these days that really test our perseverence! But no matter how much we can withstand, safety comes first! Luckily there is a product out there that will take care of your pool and prolong the life of chlorine in your pool. It is called the POOL RX! What it is: PoolRx is an egg shaped cylinder no bigger than an apple. It contains proprietary blend of natural minerals   … Read »

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Spending Too Much on the Electricity for Your Pool? Consider This…

Published: Monday, April 23, 2012

So you get your electricity bill at the end of the month and your jaw literally hits the floor. And not only are you spending way too much on electricity you find out that a big chunk of that money is going towards your pool, more specifically your pool pump. What to do? A great option would be to switch to the IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pump by Pentair. If your pool is 10 years or older and you have never had your pump replaced, you will be due for a new one soon! This pump will be your savior! Just to run a couple numbers by you, the IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pump has typical annual cost savings   … Read »

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Is Your Pool is Ready for Summer?

Published: Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hey there pool owners and future pool owners! The sun is coming out and the rain is disappearing, hopefully for the rest of the season! People are emerging from hibernation and are looking forward to warmth and the outdoors. Don’t be late this year to the party! Get your swimming pool ready for summer so that when the warm weather hits, you’ll be ready to make a splash! Here are some tips on how to “summer-ize” your swimming pool. 1. Turn everything on Since your swimming pool equipment hasn’t run all winter, turn it on to see if anything is leaking or making funny noises. 2. “Testing…   … Read »

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Let’s Learn Some Basic Pool Safety!

Published: Monday, April 16, 2012

So, after a week of clouds and rain we are able to finally see the light of day. Not only is it time to get your pool ready for the Springtime, its also time to brush up on pool safety. For Parents: 1. Always watch your children when they are in or near a pool or spa 2. Teach children basic water safety tips 3. Keep children away from pool drains, pipes and other openings to avoid entrapments 4. Have a portable telephone close by at all times when you or your family are using a pool or spa 5. If a child is missing, look for him or her in the pool or spa first 6. Share safety instructions   … Read »

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Spring is almost here!

Published: Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The rest of this week’s forecast…rainy But good news! Saturday is supposed to be a beautiful day! We are coming into the Spring season, which means everyone will want to get their pools into beautiful working order soon. But don’t wait! Get started on your pool now so that when you want to throw that party or family get together at your house, your pool will be sparkling clean! We have all kinds of specials going on now that last until April 30th. So check em’ out and let’s get your pool looking good!   … Read »

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Poison Ivy

Published: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We hope everyone had a great Easter Weekend! So everyweek on Tuesdays, we have a team meeting. During those meetings, we cover a weekly safety issue! This week’s issue was particularly interesting because it is so easy to forget! POISON IVY Poison Ivy is highly prevalent in wooded and grasssy areas of Sacramento. There have been more than a handful of times where kids running around the pool area come into contact with this deceptive plant. Poison Ivy can be difficult to spot, as it looks like just a general plant. What it looks like: Remember this phrase and tell it to your kids! “Leaves   … Read »

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